Friday, March 11, 2011

Holding Beckham

Yesterday, for the first time, we were able to get Beckham out of his isolette and hold him! Brittany got to do the holding, Nate just helped with transport to and from the isolette. Brittany was able to do Kangaroo Care. That's what they call it when you take your preemie out and hold him up against your chest for skin to skin contact. Both Mom and Baby loved it. It took a minute for Beckham to adjust to being in a new position but he got so cozy and cute cuddled up to his mommy.

Here are a couple more pics we took of the tiny guy:


  1. Yeah!!! So happy for you guys. He is such a cute little guy!!!

  2. I don't know much about preemies but he looks really good! He is so cute!
