Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One month old!

Happy one month birthday Beckham!

Yesterday when we went to visit Beckham he had gained some more weight, he is now 2 lbs 6 oz. That's a total of 1/2 lb weight gain so far! The nurse also measured him for us and he is now 14 inches long, 2 inches longer than he was a month ago.

He really looks good when we see him. He is looking more and more like a "real baby." His skin color, he's not as wrinkled, and some of his little baby gestures. We were amazed when he was laying on his belly in his isolette we turned his head to the left because he had been facing the right for quite a while. We thought he might like to change position a little. He decided he wanted to face the right again. He lifted up his head just enough to slide his little face around to the right side. Then he rested happily. It was so cute to see him taking control of his situation like that!

1 comment:

  1. Go Beckham! Happy 1 month birthday! I've got a present for you :)
